The Ex Granny Wrangler

27 August 2006

Step Aside Gordon Ramsey...

Well it's official. I'm leaving.

The Mr and Mrs, for all their slave driving faults, have actually been really sweet me. In light of my imminent departure, they said they'd miss me TERRAHBLY and wished they could keep me on as their personal chef. No, i swear. Maybe it's true - taste IS one of the first things to go?! I must admit though, i really have been showing off and half the reason i was so relieved to be leaving, was that i'd completely exhausted my list of "FPCD's" (fail proof culinary delights) and would have been screwed had they made me stay a day longer!

Probably picking up on this, intelligent, decorated people that they are, the old ducks threw me a curve ball - probably another of their little (heehee) 'tests'. Seeing as i was no longer going to be around, they'd simply loooove it if i whipped up a little something or two for their freezer, for them to enjoy once i'm gone. Could you, said she, would you said he, oh fuck said me.
Now please believe me when i say i shat myself at that point. Right there in the middle of breakfast, half way between the reaching for the sweetner and plunging my coffee, i shat myself.

Needless to say, once i'd stopped hyperventilating and they'd both buggered off to do their morning business, yours truly had a little squizz in the cupboards to see what she could see. I had this little realisation, courtesy of brother dearest who was immediately sms'd for help, which made a hell of a lot of sense: i'm not going to be around when they eat the bloody thing so i might as well fling open the fridge, throw whatever i see into a pot, chuck it in the freezer, grab my money and run like hell. So that's exactly what i did, and god did it taste good. No, seriously. May I present the sexiest, most delicious (no SERIOUSLY) 'casserole' to have ever been dreamed into creation. It doesn't have a name yet but i'm open to suggestion.

2 chicken breasts chopped into fancy bits
handful fresh black cherries
50g chopped walnuts
small handful black olives
half a jar preserved red green and yellow peppers
4 tomatoes
1 cup chicken stock
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp mixed spice
2 bay leaves,
and finally...
an almighty dash of Pimm's!!!

Serve that on a bed of piping hot Couscous and sit back to wait for BBC Food to ring...

Hmmm, maybe O2 cut me off? Or there's no signal here? Oh come on goddamit, RING!


FD-Labaroline said...

The receipe looks...nearly gorgeous. I'm just wondering how it would come with black cherries, pepper and Pimm's... and couscous ?! Well, you can tell it's something exotic, thery're not supposed to know everything, hu ?! Anyway, you'll no longer be there for the compliments but keep in mind your receipe, just in case it becomes something famous ! Any picture of it,by the way ?!

The xGW said...

Unfortunately no pic i'm afraid - but next time i make it (and believe me i WILL be making again)i'll be sure to do one hell of a presentation and take a couple of pics. If you're feeling adventurous please try it :)