The Ex Granny Wrangler

19 February 2007


Dear Mr Prospective Employer Sir,

What an exquisite neckpiece. Hermès? I thought so. Please find attached PDFs of both my CV and portfolio.

Yours Faithfully
Madame TGW.

PS. Just thought you ought to know that should you decide to employ me i'm going to bombshell you with the fact that i have already booked and paid for my two week trip to South Africa for 'The Wedding Of The Century' roughly 2 weeks into my contract with you, so will be requiring more days leave than days already worked in your wonderful company. Look forward to hearing from you!

And hence this next piece of communication:

Dear Mr Muppet

Thank you for your kind offer of a second contract with you for a further gazillion weeks. You rock. Please ensure that the wifi is up and running upon my arrival and that the BMW is filled and ready to go. See you tomorrow.

Madame TGW.


Anonymous said...

Why don't you take Muppet along as your date?

Insane Insomniac said...

hehehe. And this is why they prefer hiring S'Affers with no family.

The xGW said...

kyk: caaaareful... watch out for the raw nerve.

insano: we're a sad bunch.