The Ex Granny Wrangler

08 December 2006



Just before I begin, I’d like to state for the record, that to my knowledge I haven’t told a single porker! At least I think I haven’t.

So. Where to begin? Well basically, this is what happens when you have friends who read your blog and they happen to be the same friends you’re planning on surprising with your whole “hey okes, I’m baaaack”. You’ll forgive my need to be sneaky and devious.

Shortly before I left The Trunchbull, a couple I met in the godforsaken little village I was in, said they had a place for me to stay for two weeks before I went back to Cape Town (they didn’t realize I couldn’t afford the trip at that stage). His mother is Candy Floss. A legitimate case. And she lives 10 minutes away in the pokey little town I’ve spent the past two weeks in. And of course it wasn’t a placement through the agency so it wasn’t a fixed 15 day arrangement. And I could then afford the trip home. And so I did. And now I’m here. And it’s absolutely f*cking FANTASTIC!!


Revolving Credit said...

You don't need an iBOD, you have Pinochio, just lie to him!!

Anonymous said...

Lucky bum!! Very envious. Don't get too comfortable though, I can almost hear little old grannies calling your name!

"Commmmeeeee baaccckkk! We miss you! We need you! My bed pan is full."

Anonymous said...

Sweet. I thought I caught a glow of contentment when I went for my walk last night.

KaB said...

well welcome back! It's hot, full of gorgeous people with lots of paryting to do & general whole lot of fanfuckingtastic fun times to be had!

The xGW said...

kyk, i'm sad i never saw you. I really am. Hell, Peas got a date with the great Kyknoord, but the lowly little granny wrangler, not a whiff!

Anonymous said...

I tell you what - let me know the next time you're in town and I'll organise a puddle of champagne for you.

The xGW said...

I'm booking my plane ticket as i type. Start saving... this little lady loves her Veuve and her Dom ;)