The Ex Granny Wrangler

14 February 2007

Moist Slice Of Fame Anyone?

If ya can't beat 'em join 'em... as best you bloody well can. Three cheers for coda for resurrecting Spread The Love again this VD, an extra 3 cheers to him for choosing my tasteful design and 10 cheers for me because i've gotten two things today: a card (thanks Damien ;) and out of bed in general. Today shall be a day of great achievement methinks.


Anonymous said...

Very auspicious, I'm sure. BTW, are you wearing a cheerleader outfit?

Insane Insomniac said...

no one got the memo. no one!! Valentines day has been cancelled!!!

Gorilla Bananas said...

Don't get your hopes up too high. You haven't emptied the bed pans yet.

The xGW said...

kyk: would you LIKE me to be wearing one?

insano: sirriussss?

monkey boy: as of a few days ago those bed pans will be emptying themselves - come on tsoko, keep up ;)

Anonymous said...

Baie lekker skattie

The xGW said...

mark: dankie skat - mooi ne?