The Ex Granny Wrangler

28 May 2007

Screen Grab.


Anonymous said...

Nicely done!

So your wallet broke off its relationship with Penny?

I noted with glee when you coined that phrase!

Note to self: do not comment on mention of either moist or panties.

Anonymous said...

Just your two cents' worth, huh?

Revolving Credit said...

So you pee'd your panties did you? Shame!!

I must point out that American based software really pisses me off.

"Sex: Female"

Should read as....

"Gender: Female"

else should read as....

"Sex: Yes,please"

Phlippy said...

So you hate the words moist and panites, is that separately or when used together in the same sentence?

lordwiggly said...

Are the panties in question self-moisturising?

fuzzy logic said...

(I'm going to refrain from commenting on the panties/moist saga. Had enough of that this weekend)

The xGW said...

mart: Penny has put on a few pounds and oddly enough My Wallet liiikes big butts and i can not lie.

kyk: that's pence to you sir.

revo: so deep down you're a girl? oh revita!

phlippy: all of the above. the words mind you.

wiggles: i'm tempted to say no.

fuzz: glad someone got some action!

sdfa sdfasdfadsf said...

I in no way mind moist panties.

Betenoir said...

that's because you don't have to wear them.

The xGW said...

the cad: no, i'm sure you don't, stud...

betenoir: hmmm, methinks sometimes he does. no?