The Ex Granny Wrangler

16 April 2007

Good Life Or Death

You know you’ve made it when you start receiving death threats. Not little preschool collages which say ‘I’ll get you, bitch’ cut out from crappy issues of Cosmo and the side of a Butlers’ pizza box. No, the more sinister kind which arrive in your inbox and say if you don’t continue blogging whilst you’re on holiday (you bitch) we’ll hunt you down and wee on your computer. Scary stuff. The thing is, whilst I do value my life, my computer really could do with an upgrade so it does all sound a little tempting to be honest. I really thought I’d hide from the world for two whole weeks especially as I will probably find myself in a position where I am completely chilled and unable to even utter anything slightly offensive and profane. Even as I type this I am sitting on my balcony safe in the lush southern suburbs, gazing lovingly at the mountain as the sun slips softly behind it, an icy glass of Vrede en Lust’s Chenin/Semillon blend next to me and I can hear the Egyptian Geese squawking as they fly over. That’s not the kind of shit that’s interesting now is it? For those of you still in the UK, well, you want to read how shit the weather is, how many times I’ve been mugged and how much I’m missing my daily Starbucks injection, just so you can feel that you’ve got a good deal. It ain’t happening. Frankly, there’s no point in blogging whilst I’m all rustig coz its going to be dreamy and delicious and you’ll think I’ve gone soft and I greatly value my ‘offensive little heinous bitch’ image and couldn’t possibly jeopardize it. So, if in the unlikely event I feel like I’m about to claw somebody’s eyes out, threaten to shove 43 cheeseburgers down some skanky schmodel’s gullet or am overcome by an urge to maim/murder, believe me, you’ll be the first to know. However, if that beer’s been running through your system and you feel you may need to relieve yourself, give me a shout and I’ll arrange my laptop to be poised and waiting…


Anonymous said...

There's no point being on holiday if you're just going to do the same old stuff, is there? Of course, you could take your shotgun to the wedding and do a bit of bouquet-pigeon shooting.

ChewTheCud said...

haha - no worries babe. Have a holiday from blogging too ;)

Phlippy said...

**sniff.. I want mooooooorrrree damnit.

Anonymous said...

"Frankly, there’s no point in blogging whilst I’m all rustig coz its going to be dreamy and delicious and you’ll think I’ve gone soft and I greatly value my ‘offensive little heinous bitch’ image and couldn’t possibly jeopardize it ..."

Perhaps then you should stop KN from describing you as charming, good looking and witty. It's all about consistency you know ... :)

Anonymous said...

Not that I'm implying bitches can't be heinous, good looking and witty and all at the same time. It's the charm bit that through me for a loop :)

Anonymous said...

[So much so that I can't spell. That should be "threw". Sorry. Ok ok, I'm going already ...

Revolving Credit said...

Don't ya just hate it when you keyboards got that stale urine smell??

The Lush said...

CT should give you enough fodder to blog. The drivers alone can push a person over the edge.

Anonymous said...

PS KN, I don't think shotguns and weddings are meant for each other :) Granted the one sometimes results in the other ... in fact, now that I think of it, that's probably true both ways ... but perhaps we should give the love birds half a chance before going down that road? :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for saying nice things about my city.

(And in some circles just saying "I wasn't mugged today" is a nice thing! I haven't been accosted since February. I almost feel unwanted. Well, I mean I haven't been physically accosted since February. Yesterday I was verbally accosted. It's all part of the fun. Or something.)

Insane Insomniac said...

My only excuse for not blogging has four words:
Dial up, no computer.
nuff said.

TheTart said...

Nice new bloggy ... T!

The Tart
; )

Anonymous said...

schweet stuff! i kinda like the bitchy style too, much mroe enjoyable than other styles;) keep it up.

Phlippy said...

ok... enough waiting now.. need a new post... come come... [Phlippy looks at watch]... Aaaaannnnnny minute now [looks at watch again]

Arlene said...

Hilarious! I'll definitely have to come back again :-)

The xGW said...

kyk: shot. bru.

chewsy: yay for double holiday!

phlippy: i want doesn't get. ok maybe it does...

parenthesis: luckily for me, kyk is also devastatingly charming, good looking and witty so we cancel eachother out and i can then cling to my snottiness :)

revo: no. no, not really.

lush: lets just say some little kid had to be told, "johnny, you know how your puppy went to the vet and didn't come back? well daddy's gone to visit your puppy in that special place". wanker.

mjw: have you tried flaunting a bit of bling near the good hope centre? might get more of a response.

insano: my four words were "couldn't be fucking arsed"

tart: muchas smoochas.

miss m: see? everybody loves a little bitch - you should see the chick my ex is dating.

phlippy (again): keep your pants on boy.

arlene: hurry back and bring some veuve clicquot, the wrangler's back in town!

Anonymous said...

I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our world, and I am 99% certain that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as technology further develops, the possibility of copying our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could see in my lifetime.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i SDHC[/url] DS Ting2)