The Ex Granny Wrangler

24 June 2007

Ever So Slightly Dark.


Anonymous said...

Probably because he looks Ever So Slightly like Cliff Richard in the first few frames. Creepy.

The xGW said...

mrs b: i think i just threw up in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I get that a lot.

The xGW said...

i reckon cliff does too.

Betenoir said...

man. he spent the next day with tired eyes, thinking "bugger whichever arsewanker decided i should have a strobe over my eyebrows"

Anonymous said...

Catchy tune GW. I like.

I think i might put my muddy wellies back on and have a rave at my desk... Yeah I think I might do that.

*Mark goes to fetch his wellies*

The xGW said...

betenoir: will teach him for singing a song including the words 'bright lights' huh?

mark: glad you like - i have been known to throw on some shades and head for the nearest podium to twist and contort to the delicious doof-doof-doof of ct's clubs :)