The Ex Granny Wrangler

28 June 2007

Have Your Kyk And Eat It.

Nobody, but NOBODY tries to sneak a birthday past here, no matter what side of the mountain you think you're from!


(from me and the lizard who *insisted* he be allowed to don a party hat for the occasion).
mwah mwah mwah, air kiss, air kiss, dahling!


Betenoir said...

yeah, people who sneak birthdays past! what's up with that...!

The xGW said...

consider yourself spanked too, madam!

Betenoir said...


Anonymous said...

Whoa, easy girls. We wouldn't want this space to turn into an exhibition for the sisterhood of love now, would we?

The xGW said...

you'd like that, wouldn't you hon? ;)

Anonymous said...

You know too much.

Anonymous said...

Look! It's that comedian. Whatsisnameagain? Eddie... Eddie... Eddie Lizzard!

(Thangyew, thangyew, I'll be here all week.)

Ben O. said...

Did somebody say "party"?

Ben O.

Anonymous said...

Thank you muchly. Muchly :D The lizards said to tell you "hi", by the way.

The xGW said...

martin: i know enough to be concerned.

mrs b: dammit! he was supposed to be incognito, you know, with the hat and all. it was the lack of shades, wasn't it?

ben: um, no. but since you mentioned it, "PARTY!"

kyk: hello birfday boytjie! happiness of birthingdays!

fuzzy logic said...

Iguana hear you sing now - come-a come-a come-a ...

The xGW said...

fuzz: shhhhhh... party hangover...

Anonymous said...

It's those fingernails. Dead giveaway.

Revolving Credit said...

Your blog ate my comment :(

Am I too late for the birthday kyk??

The xGW said...

revo: i hate my blog. it's got pms today. did it really eat your comment? don't worry, there's still time for a nibble on some kyk ;)