The Ex Granny Wrangler

16 March 2007

Right Bloody Pom I Am.

Gee, i cannot wait for next week.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! I'm going to make more snow fairies!

The xGW said...

I'm gonna come to London and stamp on your snow fairies and throw snowballs at you and build a snow fort on wimbledon common and make my own snow-womble and drink mulled wine until it pours out of my nose. Wanna play?

Anonymous said...

Hot enough for ya?

The xGW said...

I think i need a new bikini.

Anonymous said...

Stamp on my snow fairies? That was uncalled for...

You can come to my playground... as long as you play nice.

The xGW said...

awwww, of course i will...
i can't speak for my robo-snow-womble and his stuper-stompin' boots tho ;)

Katie Possum said...

I know! How poo is this?! and just when it was starting to feel like spring!


The xGW said...

possum: eish. looks like you guys are getting hammered up there. and not in a good way.

Betenoir said...

O-d has spent the last few days freaking out about the weather. I have tried not to snicker too much seeing as I'll be in the same situation in a bit. But then again, after 6-month winters at an average of -20 (see: Hokkaido, living in), I'm kind of snotty about cold weather.

"oh, you think that's cold? Sissy."

The xGW said...

betenoir: poor duke, he's just trying to make you feel bad that he's going to be curled up by himself shivvering all night :) tell him we had a pathetic dusting of snow last night and probably tomorrow but its set to clear by wednesday. he'll be fine.

he must never underestimate the importance of gloves. happy hands = happy everything else.

-20? Fuck AROUND.