The Ex Granny Wrangler

06 March 2007

Tuesday Tourettes

Of course you're a f*cking bad mother, you're FOURTEEN for christ's sake! If you couldn't afford to buy your hideous chavvy blue eyeshadow from Poundland last week what makes you think you can feed a f*cking army of illegitimate mongrels all of sudden? Put a f*cking condom on his f*cking d*ck and shut the f*ck up you useless little trashy wh*re.

F*ck you and your multitude of vomitous technicolour pixels. I don't need you or your f*cking mule you limped in on.

I don't give a flying F*CK how many billion tons of goddamn CO2 i pump into the atmosphere just because i left my f*cking phone on charge or my hi-fi on over night. I don't know about you but i actually have a life and couldn't be f*cking bothered to sit and reprogram every single f*cking station each f*cking morning in the off chance that I MAY choose to listen to one later that day.

What the f*ck do you think this is? A game of f*cking Pass The Parcel for retards??

Do i HONESTLY look like I give a flying continental mother-f*cking orga*smic holy SH*T about how special you think you are? Because honey you ain't. You're more than likely just the result of one of your sl*tty mother's many blind drunk f*ck-fests and your father is probably your uncle for all you know. Which would explain your f*cking cleft palate.

Ignore me. Don't comment. Come back another day.


Anonymous said...

May I never piss you off..'ve been nominated alongside me in the Best New Blog catagory...go check it out.

Anonymous said...


Revolving Credit said...

Come on, do a Britney and shave your head...thats bound to scare them :P

The xGW said...

hey you people shouldn't be commenting! but seeing as you took the trouble to participate on one of my darker days, thank you.

insano: i think that's a very wise stance to take.

mark: ... (i'm still desperately sorry by the way!!!)

revo: Its about the only thing i have left ;)

Anonymous said...

Haha no worries GW. I grew a thick skin a long time ago, it's a must with website design!

I can recommend a good Amsterdam product called "Sour Poison" to combat your tense vibes. It's available at most Amsterdam Coffee Shops!

The xGW said...

mark: i honestly didn't realise it was yours... I am forever indebted to you! I'm off to Swaziland in April but I think Amsterdam's a bit closer time wise and geographically so I'll give it a wind methinks. Glad you enjoyed it ;)