The Ex Granny Wrangler

09 September 2006

I'm BLIND!!!

Oh my god oh my god oh my god! I'm BLIND! I can't breathe! Christ on a crutch, MY EYEBALLS ARE ON FIRE!!

breathe breathe breathe
Excuse me whilst i take a moment in the name of composure...

Ok, i'm good...


Ok. I've just seen Lemony STARKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have bolted from the house to take a few hours off and get out of the corner i've been rocking in, muttering incoherently, since the ordeal. My pulse is yet to return to normal. I have decided i never want to get old and have two insipid shrivelled pancakes flapping on my thighs (i swear to god) and what looks like the remnants of Tutankhamun's flattened test*cles hanging off the back of my knees! AAAAARGH - flashbacks - eyeballs drenched in acid. I can see a bright light. Must...not...walk...towards's so prettyyyyy...


Anonymous said...

Can think of worse things...think Peanut Butter...

The xGW said...

sjy: hey listen what you do in the bedroom can stay there thank you very much - don't want you breathing peanut butter fumes all over this blog!

Phlippy said...

OMG that was brilliant

The xGW said...

phlippy: not at the time it damn well wasn't.